Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patience..or lack there of

I’ve decided that the older I get the less patience I seem to have.  They say that patience is a virtue-a virtue that I apparently do not hold.  Its rather strange how even the littlest of things really drive me insane; on the other hand, maybe it isn’t me losing patience rather the planets stupidity level is at an all-time high!  (I’m thinking maybe the stupidity comment is fairly accurate.)  Seriously, if you think about all the things that annoy you due to a lack of patience for the situation it usually has to do with someone having a lack of common sense or showing complete ignorance. 

Things that I no longer have patience for include (in no particular order):  mouthy children, people who cut you off and then slow down, people who swerve back and forth while driving, people who don’t speak using proper grammar, hypocrites, liars, people who don’t know how to put things back where they found them, crowded places, people who don’t think ahead,  children who throw tantrums in the middle of the store, teenagers, having to repeat myself, professors who drone on and on just to take up time, people who assume that just because I’m female that I know nothing about sports, people who lack common sense, people with bad hygiene, rude people, parents who make excuses for their children’s bad behavior, bad parenting, country music, Yankees baseball, people who scrutinize me for my religious choices, babies, people who refuse to work for what they get and who are always looking for a hand out, people who don’t understand or the support the importance of the educational system, drama, bad teeth, icy roads, bone chilling cold weather, early mornings, my alarm clock, hairdressers who shouldn’t really have a job, waitresses who are rude, the public, Christmas shopping, people who forget how to drive in the snow, people who don’t understand sarcasm, and people who are quick to judge others—just to name a few!

I know it seems that I’m being rather bitchy, but the truth is we all have a long list of things that really drive us crazy; the difference is I’m willing to come right out and say what those things are.  I do try really hard do bite my tongue when I’m in situations where any of the above circumstances arise, however, if you know me at all you know how truly hard for me that can be.  At the end of the day I don’t consider myself a pessimistic person and I do try to find the best in everything/everyone while keeping an optimistic smile on my face.  It just so happens that as time goes on I learn more and more about the facts of life and what truly is important to me, therefore, I have little patience for all the things that have no significance or relevance in my life.

:o) Brit

1 comment:

  1. I agree....I think it's because the older we get, the more valuable our time is...we want to get the most out of our lives that we can and when people slow us down or get in the way or distract us from our good times, we get TICKED! haha :)
