Monday, February 7, 2011

The Curse of the Profit Women

Isn’t it ironic that certain traits woven through your double helix tend to be the ones that you pray you’d never inherit via your DNA? For me, this unfortunate luck of genetic code is what I like to call, “The Curse of the Profit Women.”  You see, I grew up in a family endowed with very boisterous, loud, strong willed, outgoing women and tried my best to be everything their not.  When you grow up in a family like this you know what it’s like to be embarrassed when confrontations occur; especially when the situation really doesn’t call for it.  You know exactly what it means to speak your mind without the skip of a beat.   I can recall several circumstances when I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole at the mere sight of my mother or grandmothers’ mouth opening; with the “look” in their eye and the snap of their neck it was a sure sign that a storm was brewing and all in their path was inevitably going to experience the true denotation of a disaster zone.
Now that I’m older I’ve learn to embrace this “curse” and believe it to be one of my best qualities.  Those traits that the “Profit Women” held I had once prayed daily that they would never rub off on me, however, today I’m more than proud that they did.  If I could take just one thing from my childhood to keep with me for the rest of my life it would most definitely be the “curse,” for I’ve learned that it is not so much of a curse as it is a blessing in disguise. From a long line of Profit women I’ve inherited a strong, sometimes abrasive, personality—something I’m not ashamed of owning.   
I never back down from someone who is attempting to compromise my values and I never let anyone tell me what or how I should think.  I speak my mind daily and am not embarrassed when occasionally I speak before I think. (I guess it’s a good thing that 99% of the time I’m always right!)  I don’t back down from confrontation, rather I look it in the face, standing tall and proud.  I know the difference between being obnoxiously arrogant and that of not being afraid to speak out when you know for sure you’re not wrong.  I’m not afraid to ask questions when I don’t know the answer and I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t know everything.   I’m not afraid to intervene when someone is being mistreated. I am kind but not a “pushover.”
I know that I’m not always going to like everyone and I won’t pretend that I do. I do my best to avoid small talk with people whom I have nothing to say.  I stick to my word and never compromise my beliefs.  I know what I want and strive daily to obtain my goals and aspirations.  I never surround myself with people who try to change me or who give me ultimatums.  I believe that marriage a bond between two people who should still be able to hold onto their own identity. I vow to never lose my individuality.  I’ve learned that being honest and upfront isn’t always easy but its right.  I do all I can to stay positive and optimistic and surround myself with people who are the same.   I live to keep a smile on my face.
I realize that my personality isn’t the type for all to befriend and I’m ok with that.  I’m no longer embarrassed of my DNA structure; I’m actually quite humbled by it.  I’ve learned the importance of being you and not compromising that for anyone.  “The Curse of the Profit Women” is something I no longer fight as it is essentially embedded in my genetic make-up.  I will strive to change the “curse” to “courage” as I walk with my head high and continue to make my mark on the world.  
:o) Brit

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