I quit life. Have you ever had a week that was so awful that you just wanted nothing more than to crawl into your comfy, cozy bed and hibernate until the next one came around? This is that kind of week. It’s not even as if one event imparticular made the week crash off course; rather, I think it was a mixture of everything and anything that created the storm of chaos to wreck through my life. Welcome to adulthood, I suppose.
Monday was just as manic as any. Went back to work and the kids returned as crazy after the weekend as they are when they return from winter break. Their nonsense made me want to immediately retreat to my car and head due west until I was back in the safety net of my home. I, however, with no other reason more than the knowledge of adult responsibility stuck it out and marched forward throughout the day. That evening after work was over I was so excited to find my comfy pants and retreat to the couch for a relaxing evening with my DVR. Roadblock: I had forgotten I had my dreaded four hour history class to attend to first. So, in yet another attempt to be a responsible adult I headed to class and forced my eyelids open and pretended to be an attentive student; all while visions of my pillow danced through my head.
Tuesday—almost as bad as Monday’s, however, since it’s a day closer to Friday I’ll give it a little credit. Tuesday was a fairly productive day at work; however, yet again adult responsibility bit me in the ass. I had my first Astronomy exam and was not prepared at all. I left work a bit early to rush to school in hopes to get a little study time in—all I can say is thank God for a great lab partner! She helped me get ready for my exam and feel a lot more confident in taking it in less than an hour and a half!! I actually think I did rather well on it too! One plus for Tuesday! However, getting home at 10pm after being gone since 7am and realizing that you still have about 4 hours of homework for other classes left to do just ruins what could have been a mediocre day.
This brings me to hump day. Oh Wednesdays, if we could just remove this day all together we’d be that much closer to Friday! Again, work wasn’t so bad. As usual a few kids were being rather snotty and rude, but nothing I’m not used to or couldn’t handle. It was after work that yet again ruined the tone for the entire day. A classmate and I rushed to Starbucks to work on an Exam that was due at the end of the week. I was feeling really good about myself at this point. I had a lovely cup of white chocolate mocha and in the warm, inviting, atmosphere—I was definitely ready to tackle my assignment. After 45 minutes of intense research and what we believed to be very confident answers the exam was finished, and four days early! Can you say, “Sigh of relief!” Never mind, hit the emergency break—I got a 68%! Are you kidding me!?! At this point I’m thinking I want to see the answer key and I’m beyond ready to debate these “correct” answers. Now I’m thinking, not only do I want to cocoon myself into my bed…I really want a drink.
Oh, Thursday. I’ve never really understood why people enjoy Thursdays so much. It’s not like it’s the end of the work week and it’s not like there is a whole lot that you can do on a Thursday evening since most people still must work on Friday. However, I do, most certainly, appreciate it much more than I do Tuesday. Work, again, was alright. A bit of a challenge at the end of the day, but overall not too bad. It wasn’t until I got to class that night that I really felt like poking my eyeballs out just to get away from the torture of my Lab professor. If one person could kill a wonderful mood, it’s him. He is worse than the teacher from Ferris Buhelers Day Off. The only good thing about my Lab is that I can finish it before the man is even done droning on and on over the directions and once I’m finished I get to leave. Huge ups for getting finished two hours early; huge disappointment to get home and not being able to fall asleep until after one a.m.
Friday, oh how I’ve waited for you to finally arrive! The morning started off not so great: I woke up late, had to rush through the shower to get ready in time only to spill OJ all over me and had to take a second shower so I wouldn’t spend the day sticky. Work went alright—typical Friday. Then evening hit and I was really looking forward to spending it over dinner with a great set of friends. Although, the company was amazing, the food was not—Zebb’s way to put the cherry topping on my bad week!
So after all of this here is the weekend! A weekend that will be spent with an abundant amount of reading, research, paper writing, and more tests just to get prepared for another week to work and classes. Oh Joy. However, here’s to putting it all off to Sunday and to spending today doing absolutely nothing at all; a day to no decision making nor thoughts to be had—a day of absolute bliss!